Sunday, December 8, 2013

What Are Some Type I, Type II, and Type III Activities

Creating a culturally responsive classroom requires you to be sensitive to the needs of all the cultures represented in your classroom. At the same time, you need to design programming that requires students to explore their own cultures. In the space below, describe a menu of Type I, Type II, and Type III activities that will engage your students and enable you to transform your classroom into a culturally responsive learning environment.


  1. Type I Activities: Students are made aware of topics through many different varieties of activities such as guest speakers, demonstrations, field trips, and documentaries.
    Type II Activities: These activities allow students to study topics and exercise critical and creative thinking. Students work together in small groups to problem solve and think seriously about issues. An example of this could be students working together to formulate ideas about how they could be better prepared in the event of a natural disaster by developing a plan of safety and designing a safety kit.

    Type III Activities: Students work alone or in groups to study something that is of interest to them and gather information and present it in a final product that reflects their individual style. I believe that an example of this could be students studying a branch of science that interests them and displaying this information in an informative brochure or comic strip.
    Katrina Kimbrell

  2. Type I:
    *Students are exposed to different beliefs, cultures, and backgrounds through activities such as: guest speakers (parents/relatives especially!), read-alouds (such as The Indian Captive), plays/performances that challenge cultural ideas, cultural field trips (ex: Civil Rights Museum, Native American festival), famous poems (including readings of I Am and I am From poems), webquests/internet scavenger hunts/other web activities promoting different cultures, etc.
    *Students explore their own perceptions of who they are through completing surveys or drawings.
    *Students interview people in their own family and community about their culture and heritage.
    *Interest centers are used to peak students' interest about cultures similar to and different from them.
    *Students bring an artifact to the classroom that represents their culture.

    Type II:
    *Students use parent/community member interviews to analyze information about their own culture. Students may use additional readings, print/online resources as needed to facilitate analysis.
    *Students may research their genealogies and create a family tree.
    *Students research - through books and the internet - the meaning of culture and create a concept map of what culture means to them.
    *Students participate in cultural discussion groups with other students from similar cultural backgrounds. These discussion groups may meet weekly or biweekly throughout the school year. Mentors, also from similar cultural backgrounds, may facilitate these discussion groups and bring up topics as needed.
    *Students write an "I Am" or an "I Am From..." poem about themselves to represent their beliefs about themselves.
    *Students compare and contrast their own culture to another student's using a Venn diagram.

    Type III:
    *Students participate in a culture symposium (like Model United Nations Assembly) in which they discuss and try to find solutions to problems related to their own and other cultures.
    *Students participate in a culture fair where they present their own culture to another audience, be it their own class, another grade, or parents/community members.
    *Students create a website or other type of presentation to teach others about their own culture.
    *Students become involved in community service related to issues from their own culture or community.

  3. Type I
    1- Students read novels or short texts that expose them to the traditions and customs of their own cultures, as well as cultures of other students in their classroom.
    2- Students participate in community activities that celebrate the cultural traditions of various community groups.
    3- Students visit museums and exhibits that allow them to explore the history and culture of ethic groups represented in the community and around the world.

    Type II
    1- Students learn and practice skills from their own cultural history or that of classmates, such as intricate weaving patterns of Native Americans, cooking foods etc.
    2- Students learn to read and interpret written and oral history from primary and secondary sources. This may include interview skills, reading and writing skills including interpreting figurative language, vocabulary development etc.
    3- Students use thinking skills including forecasting (Talents) to determine the causes and effects of major world events on various cultural groups and their livelihoods.
    4- Students use multimedia resources to research various cultural groups and create displays that demonstrate their understanding (could evolve into a Type III)

    Type III
    1- Students would research the cultural history and traditions of a local population of people of their cultural or another culture and would create a book or presentation to teach others about that particular group.
    2- Students would research problems affecting certain populations around the world (such as lack of clean water, education of girls etc.) and would propose solutions or programs to help solve these problems. This could be done in a presentation format to peers or community members who may be able to provide resources to help solve the problem. Students could also create an awareness group within the community to help provide support for the researched problem.

  4. (My first answer to this blog was much better, but I hit something and it deleted everything- sorry if this is short!)

    Type I
    Guest speakers from other cultures, field trip to museums or exhibits which demonstrate different cultures, attend a play based on another culture, read books or poetry from other cultures from their points of view or about their history

    Type II
    View videos from online or television shows based on other cultures, research various cultures and use creative forms of art to display information, Students can interview someone from another culture, students can explore internet webquests or websites to educate themselves about a particular culture

    Type III
    Students can create a poem and share it with the class during a poetry reading, Students can create a folklore from a given culture, students can start a fundraiser to help a particular culture, book reviews, students can construct a sculpture displaying a culture's main attributes, students can perform a musical performance or play based on a particular culture

  5. Type I- Students are involved in general exploring experiences to get them interested in a certain topic. This could include getting a speaker to come discuss a different culture, attending a demonstration, trip, and/or performance involving different cultures, or watching a video like the one we watched in class "Reel Injun".

    Type II- These activities provide group training and allow students to practice the skills and acquired knowledge they will need to successfully conduct their own activities. These types of activities promote the development of thinking and feeling processes. Some examples could include specific learning how-to-do skills, research papers on different cultures, creating a photo story of pictures from different cultures, or giving a speech/presentation on a specific culture.

    Type III- Students are involved in individual or small group investigations of real problems based on students interests and skills with the aim to produce a product for real audiences. Students may engage in Type II activities, such as research and training, to reach a Type III outcome. Students could research a specific culture and then create a play or game representing that culture. They could create a fundraiser to help raise funds for a 3rd world country or some other real world problem. Students could also involve the community with either of these ideas.

  6. type i: getting the students interested in various topics. speakers, field trips, and readings

    type ii: great way to keep the students working in groups and doing their own research; get them to think on their own. these lessons include researching a culture or specific group, conducting interviews, or processes (how-to skills)

    type iii: these would consist of, again, small group OR individual projects based on student interests and/or skills. the students will produce something for some kind of audience (teacher, cohorts, or another group of people). students could create a travel brochure highlighting a culture's specific traditions to entice travel. students could create an "informercial" or presentation that features a culture or group of people.

  7. Type I Activities: (create knowledge and awareness of topics and ideas)
    • View films about particular cultures which bring awareness and appreciation of differences.
    • Have students locate a video which reflects their personal background and share it with the class.
    • Visit museums, plays, festivals that reflect various cultures.
    • Read books that reflect various cultures and backgrounds.
    • Bring in presenters to talk to students and share various aspects (art, clothing, food, beliefs, etc.) of his/her culture.
    Type II Activities: (practice skills related to new knowledge and awareness)
    • Select a scene from a movie, play, or novel that reflects a unique culture or background. Develop and present a mini-play including script, costumes, set, and props.
    • Investigate the artistic customs of a culture. Create an art piece, present a musical presentation, or perform a dance from that culture.
    • Write a compare/contrast report between two differing cultures.
    • Present a reading of folklore to the class.
    • Make and bring in foods that reflect a culture.
    Type III Activities: (investigations of real life problems to be presented to a real audience)
    • After researching a particular population which needs help, awareness or recognition, students could develop and propose ways to help.
    • Students may then give presentations to the intended audience whether it is to the school, a city council meeting, or a community organization to bring awareness to the problem as well as offer solutions or ways to help.
    • Students could have a fund-raiser to raise money, a food drive to gather food or materials for a particular cause.
    • Involve students in community service activities like Habitat for Humanity, litter pick-ups at parks, performing and entertaining for people in nursing homes or hospitals.

  8. Type I experiences would include videos that show students and adults from other cultures sharing their expertise in a given area. TED talks are great for this type of experience. Field trips to local cultural sites and speakers who can share personal experiences would also enhance culture in the classroom. Trips to Moundville and The Civil Rights Museum are excellent local opportunities.
    Type II experiences would teach thinking skills or talents lessons. Lessons that help culturally diverse students about the differences in their thinking, highlighting metacognition and visual spatial tendencies, and talents lessons that teach planning, decision making and communication skills can help students understand themselves.
    Type III experiences would allow students to engage with cultural issues. A service learning project that serves a particular cultural need or promotes cultural awareness, such as a cultural fair or bake sale, would showcase cultural excellence. A type III research project or presentation FOR a culturally diverse authentic audience would also give the students an opportunity to interact with and assist with cultural concerns in their own community.
    Lindsey Irvin

  9. Type I Activities: These activities are designed to expose students to various topics, especially those that are not typically covered in the regular curriculum. In an effort to increase cultural awareness, you might invite guest speakers from different cultures to speak to the class. You can also watch videos and/or read books about various cultures. Taking a field trip that allows students to see and experience firsthand what is important to certain cultures is a great Type I activity.
    Type II Activities: These activities are designed to develop critical thinking skills. These activities allow students to compare, experiment, design, analyze and classify. Students can now analyze, discuss, compare and contrast their backgrounds and the ones they learned about through the type I activities listed above. Students can write about what they have learned. Interviewing someone from a different culture is also a good Type II activity.
    Type III Activities: These activities are designed so students can apply the knowledge they have learned in the Type I and Type II activities. Students will produce creative products that will be shared to various audiences. Students will now create products, such as poems, stories, plays, that relate to the cultures they have learned about. Once their products have been completed, the students will present their work to an audience. Creating and implementing a service project to help other cultures is a great type III activity.
    Demisha Stough

  10. Type I activities: Guest speakers from various cultures, field trips, learning centers about different cultures
    Type II activities: Talents lessons, conduct interviews from a different culture than themselves, Use the internet to research the different cultures.
    Type III activities: Students can create a brochure from a different culture, conduct a fundraiser to raise money for another culture

  11. Type I activities are meant for the students to explore a topic and gain interest. These activities are usually geared towards general exposure to the topic. Some Type I activities that I have used in my classroom are guest speakers, Skype with an expert, field trips, demonstrations and I love TED talks with my older students.
    Type II activities are where the teacher and students do an activity together and the students practice a skill that or learn something that they will need to work independently. A few Type II activities are interviews, research, experiments. In Type II activities you want your students to think creatively and critically.
    Type III activities are where students take the skills and knowledge that you have exposed them to in I and II and they build on these independently. It is also important in Type III activities that students are completing these activities in real-world situations. Students might create a community service project. They could create a presentation to give at the local board or city council meeting on a topic relevant to the area they were exploring. They could organize an event to raise money or awareness for a particular group or organization. Any of these activities could be geared towards making a classroom more culturally responsive.

  12. Type 1- General Exposure: expose students to a wide variety of experience perhaps through excursions, clubs, listening to speakers or brainstorming sessions
    Type 2 -Group Activities: activities designed to develop thinking and feeling skills. Students work together to criticize, analyze, compare, classify and experiment. This could be some sort of research based project in which students use high level reference materials. Students may compare/contrast cultures around the world. Students could conduct experiments and record their observations.
    Type 3- Individual and small group investigation of real-problems: Students apply the knowledge they learned in type 1 and 2 in order to solve real problems. Activities could include researching, debating, surveying, or presenting. These projects are to be conducted individually. They could write a book or play and present it o their class. Perhaps after comparing and contrasting a certain subject, they could conduct an organized debate on the topic. Students may even research a particular topic that they would like to change around the school and make a presentation to the faculty and staff.

  13. Type I: Students experience guest speakers either in person or via technology. They also have the opportunity to complete webquests and web-based field trips, if actual field trips to museums and other locations are not possible. Students are also exposed to pieces which relate to varied cultural backgrounds.

    Type II: Students participate in culturally-relevant activities, experiencing aspects of culture as they create products based in a specific background. They participate in culturally-relevant discussions and compare and contrast their culture to that of other students/peoples.

    Type III: Students work to research and investigate cultures outside of their own and prepare presentations, product activities, and discussion questions for their peers. This could be in the form of a website, a book, or a general presentation, as determined by the teacher. Students could also include the community in a Type III activity by putting on a culture fair of their own, networking with community members to help put on the “show” for school peers.

  14. Type I Activities for a culturally responsive classroom would include the following: Guest speakers from various cultural backgrounds that speak on a variety of topics from differing customs and traditions to cultural perspectives that frame how they approach the world; a mock debate where students must take the perspective of a culture different from their own and engage in thoughtful conversation on various topics; an interest center that allows students to explore the cultures around the world through books, exhibits, biographies, art, etc.; a field trip to a cultural center in a nearby city that helps students understand the history behind the cultures of others that differ from theirs; a YouTube, TED video, or other type of program that puts various cultures on display; reading and discussing magazine or newspaper articles that highlight cultural differences; examining the art and photography of culturally diverse people and discussing ways in which students may be different, and more important, ways in which they may be the same.

    Type II Activities for a culturally responsive classroom should be built upon the five talent areas of productive thinking, communication, forecasting, planning, and decision making. Specific Type II Activities would include the following: using the productive thinking talent to think of many, varied, and unusual ways to transform the current classroom to reflect a holiday from a culturally diverse people; using the simile under the communication talent to think of the many, varied ways that other cultures are similar to a student’s own; using the forecasting talent to predict the effects of little to no cultural influence in the history and development of the United States of America; using the planning talent as students write a play about an important tradition of a culture different from their own; using the decision making talent as students decide which country they will take an imaginary summer vacation to visit.

    A Type III Activity for a culturally responsive classroom would involve the investigation of a real world problem. Students would pick a culture that has been studied; identify the real world problems that exist in that community or in that country; identify a similar or the same problem at the local level (in their hometown); and develop a real world solution to address the problem. A fair would then be held to display potential real world solutions, developed through research, to real world problems.

  15. Type I:
    -community members come in and speak about their culture and lifestyle
    -field trip to learn about different cultures (Moundville)
    -watching videos about countries/cultures all over the world
    -skype/write pen pals from all over the world

    Type II:
    -research a famous Alabamian
    -collect and analyze data from all the students cultures in the classroom
    -conduct interviews about beliefs and values (to family members)
    -compare and contrast their cultures
    -participate in class culture discussions
    -discuss books

    Type III:
    -make a webquest/website to represent the analyzed information
    -discover a problem with the way people perceive diversity and set about to solve the problem
    -involve community members in
    -create a fundraiser for an organization
    -plan a partnership program for the school so that the students can learn more about other cultures

  16. Type I
    * Provide an interest development center which includes perspectives from a variety of cultures
    *Museum visits or access to artwork from a variety of cultures
    * Role play to gain insight on different cultures (e.g., blindfold students and have them navigate campus with a cane)
    * Before beginning a lesson, use a journal to reflect on a real-world problem (e.g., Are different cultures at a disadvantage when faced with disasters?)

    Type II
    * Use productive thinking talent to think of many, various, and unusual cultures and subcultures to which you belong.
    * Conduct Book Club which addresses cultural issues
    * Interview someone from a different culture
    * Analyze a piece of art using multiple perspectives

    Type III
    * Create artwork that depicts your culture and conduct a class-wide or community art exhibit
    * Identify a human rights issue and choose a way to bring about change (e.g., how to provide clean drinking water to countries in need)
    * Plan and conduct a "culture fair"

  17. It is important that we provide our students with a wide span of activities that reflect the various cultures in our school, community, and country. Using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model provides a framework for teachers.
    Type I Activities -
    *student interest inventories
    *reading biographies of people from various nationalities, genders and race
    *bringing in guest speakers like high school students, college students, parents, business leaders all from various backgrounds
    *create a learning/interest center about different cultures
    Type II Activities:
    *Cultural Fair within the classroom where students, parents, and family members set up an area with music, art, food, artifacts about their personal culture
    *Students research and discuss the differences and similarities of two or three cultures
    Type III Activities:
    *As a follow-up from the previous activities, students can work in groups to identify the various cultures in our community. They can interview people from each group. Using that information, students can develop a cultural fair for the community.
    *Research and identify difficult situations in the school, community or state, and students can creatively problem solve to find, develop, and generate a solution.

  18. Type one activities are activities made to introduce the learner to the subject. FOr example... films, books, media presentations, field trips, guest speakers, etc.
    Type Two activities are books that promote self efficiency and learning - such as: describing something, putting a plan into action, research, relating their understanding to others, showing their understanding of a subject non verbally, etc.
    Type three activities are in simplest terms - extensions. These are activities that are student created and spur from their acquired knowledge and their further interest in the subject. It comes from them wanting to learn and do more with the subject matter.

  19. Type I:
    -invite speakers to share about his or her cultures (This could be a great way to get willing parents involved.)
    -explore video clips showing different holidays, rituals, and traditions from various cultures
    -read literature from different cultures that depicts characters experiencing their conflict/resolution with a reflection of their own culture

    Type II:
    -conduct interviews with people from a different culture
    -present information through visual communication about a specific tradition that is different from their own culture
    -use productive thinking to list examples of ways to learn about other cultures

    Type III:
    -create a biography of each student in the class that includes a focus on each student’s cultural background
    -set up a Christmas Around the World festival using each culture as a station and presenting the foods, traditions, and decorations typical of that culture

  20. Type 1 Activities: readings, graphic organizers (What I know now, What I learned, Questions I still have), guest speakers, field trips

    Type 2 Activities: research based projects to help the students to think creatively and critically, interviews, comparing other cultures to their own, group discussions, create art that is related to different cultures

    Type 3 Activities: service learning, community outreach, independently organized projects that include presentations, fundraising, or exhibits

  21. Type I activities focus on creating knowledge and awareness of different cultures as well as get students interests in these cultural differences. Some include:
    Guest speakers from diverse cultural backgrounds who can explain their cultural perspectives and how these are integrated into their daily lives
    Field trips – either “real” or “virtual” that would give the students some perspective of importance of cultural differences
    Exposure to various literature, music, and art from different cultures and their importance to those cultures
    Complete surveys about their own culture in order to better know themselves

    Tier II activities allow students to engage in activities or projects based on their knowledge gained through the Tier 1 activities. A few include:
    Have students research or interview culturally diverse people and/or topics
    Compare and contrast different cultures – including their own
    Creative projects demonstrating their knowledge of the cultural diversity they’ve acquired
    Discuss cultural diverse books

    Tier III activities offer students the chance to apply the knowledge gained in Tier I and II activities and independently apply that to authentic, real world situations. Some are:
    Create a website or blog that explains or compares and contrasts different cultures
    Community service projects
    Create a PSA to debunk the stereotypes of various cultures and promote the actual facts instead
    Create a play or skit depicting the values etc. of a culture
    Interacting with community members to bring the cultural diversity of the community out and allow people to learn more about it – possibly a culture fair of some sort

  22. I think of Type I's, II's, and III's as building blocks for student learning. With Type I's you introduce students to new areas that they may not have considered before or expand an area that they are interested in already. You share/present activities such as videos, guest speakers, books, etc. The activities are just small samplings of the introduced topic. This allows for students to determine if the area will interest them and encourage them to delve further into the topic.
    The next step is introducing Type II's. These activities allow students to "get their hands dirty" and explore the topic(s) more in-depth. Critical thinking, cognitive thinking, and exploration are introduced. Students are encouraged to examine the topics much closer and with more detail.
    Type III's are the way of wrapping up the study. Students are able to demonstrate their new knowledge or skills. Type III's can be completed as a group or individually and they require weeks or months of planning.
    Being allowed to chose their own topics and explore at their own pace allows for students to gain a must deeper appreciation and understanding of the topic. These steps in learning also allow students the opportunity to explore areas that may be culturally different and diverse.

  23. Type I activities:
    - speakers from various cultures and backgrounds
    - introduction to various arts, literature, and music from cultures other than "our own"
    - Our area has a "Cultural Fair" in a large city near us that is child-appropriate, and I think this would be a valuable field trip to be used as a type I.

    Type II:
    - Research and presentation of a particular culture or topic within that culture
    - Compare and Contrast the different cultures within the classroom, school, state, etc.

    Type III:
    - Create and implement a program to help students that are new to the school (including, but not necessarily limited to those of a different culture than the average population)
    - Create a cultural fair, based on previous research to be presented to parents and community

  24. Type 1: Draw guest speakers from student and community connections to talk about different cultures, videos, demos, field trips - overall exposure and awareness for students

    Type 2: Have students conduct interviews to delve deeper into cultures, research, communicate and present findings to/with others in the class

    Type 3: Allow students to apply knowledge by way of community projects, public service announcements for school, create media/presentations to share with school/community

  25. Culturally Responsive Type I, II, & III Activities

    Type I Activities

    Have a guest speaker visit, and speak about a diverse culture.
    Demonstrate music from different cultures.
    Watch videos intended to inform students about different cultures.

    Type II Activities

    Have students research and create a PowerPoint presentation based on a culture of interest.
    Have students learn about and create a musical instrument used in the music of another culture.
    Students will learn about food from and different culture, and they will get to sample the food.

    Type III Activities

    1. Students will learn about games and sports from other cultures. They will create a club designed to inform other students at the school about culturally diverse games and sports. They will create board games from different cultures, and give them to other teachers, so other students at the school can play culturally diverse board games during any free time they may have. The students will also learn to play a variety of culturally diverse sports, and they will be allowed to go to recess with the younger grades, and teach the younger students how to organize and play culturally diverse sports.

    2. Students will create a book designed to inform readers about a diverse culture, and they will have the book published.

    3. Students will organize a campaign to help educate all students about diverse cultures. The campaign will focus on educating students about diverse cultures, so that students will grow to respect all cultures and make friends with culturally diverse students. Students will create posters and signs to go in the hallways that tell interesting facts about diverse cultures and promote making friends with students of diverse cultural backgrounds.

  26. A Type 1 activity is introducing kids into a new topic. Having guest speakers or skyping in people would help open children’s eyes to the world around us. As well as reading book and stories from places around the globe.

    A Type 2 activity is taking it a step further and letting the children get involved. We could take field trips to different places that would be different than what they are used to or we could have pen pals from across the globe.

    A Type 3 activity is putting things into practice. It would be cool to have a Reality-opolis when the kids get to pretend to live somewhere and have to deal with currency, jobs, housing, etc.

    All of these would help your classroom to be a culturally responsive learning enviorment.

    -Anna Miller

  27. Type I Activities:
    -Read a short story/passage that describes life in a particular culture
    - Go on a virtual/actual field trip
    - Compare and Contrast different cultural holidays to one another and your own.

    Type II Activities:
    - Research various cultures and create a PowerPoint, Animoto, or Glogster to present your findings.
    -Use your Type II Process Skills as your gather information that can be used in preparation for a Type III project
    - Compare/Contrast educational values of different cultures and present your findings on a poster.

    Type III Activities:
    - Organize a Cultures Day at your school where students can learn about how cultures are either same or different from theirs.
    -Research famous historical people from various cultures, past and present, and create a book on them. Donate to school library.
    -Design a webpage that is about various cultures.

    -Michelle Burns

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Katy Kiser

    Type I Activities

    -Create and display an interest center in your classroom that includes the cultures represented in your classroom, as well as others that you think might spark their interest. The interest center should have a variety of resources, such as: chapter books from the perspective of a child in a specific culture, reference books, maps and globes, authentic clothing or artifacts, recipes, flags, pictures, 3D models, etc.
    -Guest speaker from community familiar with or member of a certain culture
    -Skype/ Virtual field trips

    Type II Activities

    -Research and create a "How To" Video on how to use a tool, cook a dish, or speak a language
    -Mystery Class
    -Brainstorm a list of questions that you would want to discover about any culture and use it as a guide to research two or more countries, then compare and contrast
    -Conduct interviews with students of other cultures and do research in order to plan a trip to another country where your culture is not represented.

    Type III Activities

    -Organize a culture awareness event at your school/ community where all cultures of the students are represented and community is invited
    -Create a club that works to help a certain culture in the community or educates others on the importance of being culturally aware and responsive
    -Write and publish a book or article on cultural awareness in general or a culture that interests you.

  30. Kiyomi Moore SPE 584 Spring 2016March 9, 2016 at 7:52 AM

    Type I activities: are general exploratory activities. These activities vary from Guest speakers, field trips and verbal discourse. Type 1 consists of experiences and activities that are designed to bring the learner in touch with the kinds of topics or areas of study in which he or she may develop a sincere interest.
    Type II activities: are group training activities that require them to work together. Type II activities are designed to introduce students to more advanced kinds of studies. These are open- ended and allow students to escalate their thinking processes to the highest level.
    Type III activities: are activities that require students to become actual investigators of real problem. Students can create a movie trailer, brochure, video, game or even write a book.
    1: guest speaker from a different background with similar views
    2: Conduct a survey on what not to wear in a gang related neighborhood- list those items in your journal
    3: Create a book trailer on your classroom culture. ( If your culture could talk what would it say?)

  31. Type I
    Students will create a visual representation of their family traditions, culture, family tree…Visual representations will be displayed on a bulletin board. After discussing the visual representations, family culture will be identified. Individual images showing the different cultures will be added to the bulletin board. An added dimension to the bulletin board is having a map with pinpoints for the different cultures if geographically appropriate. Books reflecting each group will be showcased as well.

    Type II
    Family members will be invited to share information about their cultures or ethnicity. A time for the family speakers to share information will be scheduled. Students will reflect on the speakers by writing and/or drawing in journals. Writing will include identifying specific characteristics of each culture.

    Type III
    Students will create a demonstration of their own culture. They will choose three different components to exhibit their culture. Components may include costume or clothing, a story or poem, music, pictures, and other symbolic items. Information may be presented in different formats including a poster board, student-made book, media, and art. Students will present the components to classmates. The presentations will include teaching the students how to create a representation of the culture. For example, learning how to write a word in a different language or creating a craft from the culture would be encouraged. A culminating activity for the presentations will be sharing food from each culture or group.

  32. Type I: Type I is all about introduction and exposure to information in order to generate interest. This can include guest speakers, field trips, videos, books, interest centers, show and tell by students. When planning these activities a teacher can be culturally responsive by ensuring that they plan activities that represent a variety of cultures and speakers from different cultures. Also they can conduct interest inventories from the students that will give ideas when planning activities. This will show the interest of all the different cultures in the class.

    Type II: These activities would include individual and group projects that students research to gain further knowledge of type I activities they had interest in. It is important to let students drive the type II activities to ensure that there is an interest in them. When the student has a genuine interest in a topic, the academic knowledge and learning will come naturally. By using topics the students are interested in and offering them related curriculum that exposes them to different cultures and ideas, a teacher is being culturally responsive.

    Type III Activities: These would be long term continuing project either individually or in groups. Again students should have a genuine interest or they should expose the students to different cultural ideas or traditions they would not have been exposed to otherwise. A great example of this could be a group of students research the different cultures that settled in their area in generations past and write a kid history book sharing their findings. It could be provided as a resource in the school library or local public library.

  33. Ginger Norris April 7, 2016

    Types I – General exploratory activities

    • Explore items from an interest inventory display
    • Watch videos to increase cultural awareness
    • Read books/magazines to expose students to various cultures
    • Visit a museum
    • Invite a guest speaker to speak about differing cultures

    Type II – Group training/practice of skills (how-to skills)

    • Research different cultures
    • Conduct interviews about various cultures
    • Participate in classroom culture debate/discussion
    • Book club discussion
    • Learn how to design and create a culture specific craft

    Type III – Involved in real life problems/solutions

    • Students research and publish a class article about a cultural problem
    • Students create a play to demonstrate cultural issues
    • Create a community project
    • Develop a fundraiser program for a third world country
    • Create a school organization to support cultural diversity

  34. Type I-
    Designed to expose students to a wide variety of disciplines, topics, people, places, and things. Some examples include listening to a documentary or listening to an exciting lecture. These expose students to areas that they may have profound interest in. These should be purposeful and intentional.

    Type II-This is the "knowledge how" component and teaches process skills which will lead to independent investigations. It provides instructional methods and materials designed to promote the development of thinking and feeling. Developed from student interest generated from the Type I's. It helps develop creative problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making. The Talents Unlimited model is often used for Type II's.

    Type III's-These help students pursue a study o project of their own selection that is either related to a unit being studied. Students select both the topics and the products they wish to pursue. Teachers help guide and facilitate the learning process of independent and small group work. These can include how to books, videos, web resources.

  35. Type 1- general exploratory/exposure
    -Have a chess tutor or coach come introduce basic concepts of chess (chessboard, pieces, scorebook)
    -Watch a video about a classic chess match (such as the famous "Paris Opera House Game" Paul Morphy versus Count Isouard and Duke Karl 1858)
    -Watch the 30 Minutes special on current International Master Magnus Carlsen
    -introduce mini-games that highlight how each piece moves to gain a sense of each piece before starting competitive game play (pawn and pawn games, pawn and queen games, Rook and pawn games, etc.)

    Type Two- group training/skills acquisition
    -develop a class chart, consider ability grouping for students who may have prior knowledge, determine a set number of players to complete a class tournament where no one is knocked out of play.
    - After students learn basic rules, students can investigate the following according to their interests: openings, strategy, endgames, history. Determine what openings and strategies fit their styles of play.
    -research and learn the algebraic notation system for chess and have students start calling out and writing down their chess moves (i.e. "pawn to d4")

    Type 3 long term projects and investigations
    -organize a successful school chess club
    -Have students develop personal notebooks about their favorite openings, strategies, and endgames.
    -Compile student notebooks to develop and publish a classroom volume of chess strategy; publish in print and online.
    -Create a video of a classroom chess match and have students provide commentary.
    -Organize a district or countywide chess tournament between schools.

  36. Type I activities could include:
    - guest speakers, presentations, videos, books, magazines, etc.

    Type II activities could include:
    -researching different cultures/countries
    -family tree research
    -Partner up with a lower grade level and create a culture book club together
    -Create their own culture

    Type III activities could include:
    -Having a school wide culture fair to involve and invite community
    -Develop a newsletter
    -Create a culture club that meets and develops brochures to share within the school

  37. Type I Activities- General/Exploratory Activities
    • Guest speakers (bring in influential people in the community that are from different cultures to talk to students)
    • Field trips and virtual field trips
    • Watch a video
    • Read a book
    • Student interest centers (to complete activities on task cards, see artifacts, photographs, books, etc. about cultures)
    • Try on clothing from different cultures

    Type II Activities- Practice of Skills (How to…)
    • Use technology to research cultures
    • Make artifacts from cultures
    • Learn different languages from different cultures

    Type III Activities- Long-term projects
    • Make a class book about cultures
    • Make a movie/video about cultures
    • Write/ act out a drama about cultures

    *Students’ interests will determine the course in which you proceed through the activities.

  38. Type 1 Activities:

    1) Guest speaker to talk about everyday heroes.
    2) Webquest on what it means to be a hero
    3) "Kid President" video talking about what it means to be a hero

    Type 2 Activities:

    1) Analyze heroic characteristics of superheroes in superhero movies.
    2) Write a script for a movie that contains a superhero
    3) Perform and film the movie using IMovie.

    Type 3 Activities:

    1) Show movies at a movie premier day
    2) Develop a soundtrack to the movie that goes along with the themes presented in the movie.
    3) Create a superhero action figure based on the character in the movie.

  39. Creating a culturally responsive classroom requires you to be sensitive to the needs of all the cultures represented in your classroom. At the same time, you need to design programming that requires students to explore their own cultures. In the space below, describe a menu of Type I, Type II, and Type III activities that will engage your students and enable you to transform your classroom into a culturally responsive learning environment
    Type I:
    -Students are introduced to multiple cultures through classroom topics including religion, race, gender, etc.
    -Members/Leaders of different religions are invited to offer their experiences
    -Videos/Movies are viewed that offer insights into other cultures
    Type 2:
    -Students create information boards about different religions studied throughout the year
    -Students create travel brochures for other countries studied throughout the year
    -Students maintain “trade” with other countries through “stock market game”
    Type 3:
    -Students reach out to other same age students in other parts of the world to learn first-hand accounts of other’s experiences through webcasts/Skype or even letters/emails
    -Students travel to other parts of the state, country, and/or world to experience changes in culture, religion, etc.

  40. Around the World in 80 Days
    Type 1: Video--Traditions around the world
    Type 1: Video--Holidays around the world
    Type 1: Video--Languages around the world
    Type 1: Video--Homes around the world
    Type 1: Video--Sports around the world
    Type 1: Guest Speaker
    Type 2: Multi-Medium--Homes from around the world (create a home)
    Type 2: Multi-Medium--Food from around the world (create a plate)
    Type 2: Multi-Medium--Food from around the world (create a recipe book)
    Type 3: Pretend you are a tourist guide in another country. Create an interactive two-week vacation plan for a family wanting to experience all the new country has to offer.

    Type 1: Who is your hero?
    Type 1: Who are our country’s heroes?
    Type 1: What makes a hero? Video
    Type 1: Guest Speaker
    Type 2: Design your ideal superhero avatar-model
    Type 3: Create a movie using your individually-created superhero

  41. Activities for a unit on inventors:
    Type I - visit the George Washington Carver museum, listen to a presentation from a local inventor, Skype with inventors who aren't local, visit the library to look up books on famous inventors, watch a video about an inventor from a culture important to the class
    Type II - choose an inventor and use many/varied/single words to describe him/her, write a diary entry as an inventor, compare and contrast yourself with an inventor, research the impact of the inventor's family/community/environment on his/her achievements
    Type III - discover an inventor culturally similar to yourself & personally interview him/her in order to produce a biographical work, create an index of inventors for future students to use to find scientific mentors similar to themselves

  42. Type I
    -Have guest speakers visit to tell about their individual cultures
    -Students participate in an Around the World Day to learn of different cultures of the students in the classroom
    -Students participate in an Around the World Festival to taste food of different cultures of the students who are in the classroom
    -Students explore books on the cultures represented in their classroom
    -Students watch videos on famous intellectual people from the cultures represented in the classroom

    Type II
    - Students interview different people of different cultures and share with the class
    - Students research different cultures and share their findings
    - Students create items from different cultures to show and tell
    - Students bring items in from their own family cultures to share
    -Students create a shelter model from another culture and share

    Type III
    -The class collaborates to make a Weebly site based on the different cultures in their classroom
    -Students create a web of their family tree as intellectual art
    -Students create a book of their class’s family cultural diversity
    -Students dress up and present research on famous intellectual contributors to society through a student wax museum
    -Students present a play, musical, or dance displaying their various cultures
    -Students create and present individualized poetry on their culture that could be bound in a book

  43. Type I- A field trip to the MLK Center, watch videos about different cultures, read stories that include a variety of cultures and backgrounds, invite parents/relatives to come and tell stories from their culture or family or traditions, listen to music from other cultures

    Type II - Use productive thinking to find various ways families are different and the same, use planning talent to think of activities for families to do at multicultural night, use decision making talent to choose which culture (if not your own) you would like to explorer, communication talent to come up with words that relate how you feel about your culture.

    Type III - Create a prezi or imovie showing your families cultures, present a virtual wax museum of the different cultures from around the world that you researched using iPad app, design a classroom culture quilt

  44. Type I Activities:

    1. Students will listen to a presentation by the parent of one of my ESL students on his/her culture
    2. Students will visit and interact with centers using iPads - Exploration of the culture using images, movies & the web
    a. Food
    b. Famous landmarks
    c. Clothing & costumes
    d. Famous people from that country
    e. Shopping
    f. Music & Art
    3. Students will explore authors, poetry and works of literature from the country.
    4. Students will listen to and read news excerpts from that country that describe current events and problems.

    Type II Activities:

    1. Students will spend time learning advanced research techniques on the iPad.
    2. Students will research their own cultures and create a PowerPoint presentation about their culture.
    3. Students will learn interview techniques.
    4. Students will interview an adult from a different culture than their own.
    5. Students will write a newspaper article about the person they interviewed.
    6. Students will use the knowledge gained from their research on current events and problems of the country to interact with those issues using the strategy of synectic personal analogy.

    Type III Activities:

    1. Students will plan and create a series of comic strips based on the country's current issues and current events.
    2. Students will divide into groups and write a screen play, film, and edit a movie based on the interviews they did with people from a different culture than their own.
    3. Students will compose music to express their feelings about belonging to many different cultures.

  45. Type I activities:
    1. Students find countries on a map to study.
    2. ELL families will be invited in to tell about their country.
    3. Students will sample foods from different cultures.
    4. Students will listen to music from different cultures.
    5. Students will see currency from different countries.

    Type II
    1. Students will about how different cultures dress, including a dress up station for students to learn 'how to' dress in different cultural clothing.
    2. Students will learn about and play a musical instrument from a different culture or country.
    3. Students will learn how to cook a meal originating from a different culture or country than their own.
    4. Using the internet, the students will have 'live pen pals' and be able to interview students and teachers around the world to learn about their culture and country.

    1. Students will study different problems in cultures and countries in the world. Students will create a movie about these issues and their ideas to solve them.
    2. Students will create art based from different cultures and countries.
    3. Students will create a presentation of their choice to positively showcase the aspects of a different cultures.

  46. Type I activities:

    1. Guest Speaker (Parent of a student in the class) could come and give examples of the traditions in his/her culture, show pictures, etc.

    2. Set up learning centers in the classroom which are about the different cultures represented by the students and the teacher.

    3. Show short informational videos about the different cultures represented by the students.

    Type II activities:

    1. Student will interview another student from a different culture background than himself/herself.

    Type III activities:

    1. Create a brochure outlining the similarities and differences between the different cultures represented in the classroom.

    2. Create a song using details from each student's culture/background.

  47. Type I’s
    • Invite guest speakers from the local community to share about their cultural heritage
    • Invite students to share about the way the celebrate a certain holiday
    • Create a food fair-have students bring in food from their native country and share it with their classmates
    • Create a classroom picture map-have students put pins into a map to mark their country of family origin.
    Type II’s
    • Have students create a class culture book (ext. of one of the type one activities). Each student will create a collection of pictures that represent important traditions in their culture.
    • Have students make some different food items
    • Have students write letters to international pin pals and use skype to meet their pal and discuss their culture
    • Allow students to study architecture of different cultures. You could use this in a math lesson (geometry) or a social studies lesson
    Type III’s
    • Have students create a recipe book filled with family recipes
    • A student could create a detailed family tree
    • Students could create a town history for their place of origin

    Lydia Hinshaw

  48. Type I:
    - Guest speaker: this can be anyone inspirational from the community. Depending on grade level-- if I had older grades, maybe someone who has turned their life around and is doing motivational things now. This can be for all cultures with the right research.
    -videos: kid president is a good inspiration video, ted talks. Again, I believe it depends on the grade. During the riots after Ferguson, I showed my students video of footage from New York. I did this because I wanted them to see something real and not altered by the media but also it was something that directly effected their cultures. A lot can be done with videos as a type I
    -Food samples: set up food samples from different cultural backgrounds
    -Tradition fair: during holidays it might be interesting to set up some kind of tradition fair where students share, or bring in, things about their cultural traditions.

    Type II:
    -students interview someone in their family to gain knowledge about their cultural background
    -Students could interview someone from a different culture about their backgrounds.

    Type III:
    -Students create biography using the interview- this can be done using different kinds of multimedia
    -Students can create a book trailer about a book of their cultural background
    -Students can create a class book about the different cultures of the class

  49. Type I’s introduce the content and can include:
    Guest Speakers
    Field Trips
    YouTube Clips
    Audio Recordings
    Interest Development Centers
    Be sure to include speakers, readings, and material from a diverse array of cultures.

    Type II’s are the content and hands-on activities where students learn content and process skills, they can include:
    Writing a poem after studying culturally diverse poets
    Writing a comic strip after studying culturally diverse cartoonists
    Conducting experiments
    Bridge Building Engineering Challenges
    Science Journalizing
    Coding programs
    Moot court
    Build a Boat Challenge
    Solve the mystery of a Breakout Box
    Painting after studying culturally diverse American painters
    Plays and other Fine Art Performances
    Readers Theatre of culturally relevant issues
    Many, varied, and unusual adjective writing

    Type III’s are independent or small group projects based on the students interests and can include:
    Creating an interactive web page for the county gifted program
    Fundraising and creating video advertisement for the local humane society’
    Researching melanoma causes and publishing a brochure to handout at spring sporting events
    Research water filtration and develop prototypes that could be used in an emergency, share these prototypes with a nonprofit or mission group.
    Write a “Who Would Win” or “I survive” book to share with younger students to inspire literacy, creative writing, and creative illustrating.
    Support a class member whose family has taken a call to be missionaries in China. Support could include learning about the culture and writing letters of encouragement.

  50. Type I
    *TED Talk: Angelica Dass, “The Beauty of Human Skin in Every Color”
    *TED Talk: Dalia Mogahed, “What It’s Like to Be Muslim in America”
    *Ideas.Ted.Com : “Gallery: Ten windows into LGTBQ life around the world”
    *Navigate Google Cultural Institute, collecting favorite images
    *Field to a local art/natural history museum
    *Guest speakers from different cultures (could be parents of students)

    Type II
    *Choose a book from “Required Reading: The Books That Students Read in 28 Countries Around the World” OR Your Guide to Reading the World: A literary journey through 196 countries. Read and write a brief analysis of new insights and how you relate to the book.
    * Identify, connect with, and join local, national, and international cultural advocacy groups with the goal of identifying endemic struggles of a group
    *Write a short story or book of poetry about your own culture in the context of how it influences they way you fit into your country, community, school, and family.
    *Explore and research the ways in which cross-discipline resources could combine to solve a problem affecting a cultural group
    *Ask each class member to describe at least one false assumption people have made about them because of their culture or ethnicity.
    *Develop a research hypothesis/identify variables

    Type III (All require in-depth research and investigation)
    *Create a cookbook covering the food culture of a particular region (cook/bring sample to class)
    *Create a collection of artwork using the techniques, style, and creative strategies that have been historically used in a culture
    *Organize and implement an advocacy project that catalyzes upward mobility of a cultural group
    * Write an analysis of the ways in which listening to ethnic music helps us understand indigenous people, their customs, and traditions
    * Conduct a scientific study or experiment to test your hypothesis about culture

  51. Type I activities are those activities that introduce the content or get your mind on that topic.

    Type I activities include that of:

    guest speakers
    watching videos/clips from online
    field trips

    *Please remember these should be diverse and should not be centered around one culture or idea.

    Type II's:
    These are where you have your talent lessons and processing skills.

    Talent lessons- communication, forecasting, decision making, productive thinking, planning.

    Type II lessons are more hands on, and have the students dive deeper into their thoughts and thinking.

    Examples: Journal Writing, Art, Writing Stories, Interviewing

    *Type II's should be culturally diverse as well.

    Type IIIs:

    These are the things that students work on independently or in small groups. These are the ideas that they come up with themselves.

    Examples: Create a book, a recipe book (I like that idea Kelly), Community Projects, Create Clubs

  52. Type I
    Virtual tour of museum that displays facts from various cultures.
    Guest speakers from various cultures.
    Festival within the school to explore different cultures.
    Videos about different cultures.

    Type II
    Think of all the many, different feelings that someone would feel from a different culture.
    Interviewing others from different cultures.

    Type III
    Create an ideal place for different cultures to join.
    Create a book.

  53. In order to create a culturally receptive classroom, teachers must first demonstrate certain actions from the beginning of the year. Teachers must show open-mindedness and acceptance for all cultures. We can share experiences and activities with our students that will open a door to the world around them.
    Type I activities may include:
    *virtual field trips to see different aspects of a culture. Ex: Chinese New Year, different dances related to the traditions of different cultures, and the day in the life of a child from different cultures
    * read books about different cultures and their lifestyles
    *have guest speakers from different cultures
    *use a map to locate where people of different cultures live
    Type II activities may include:
    *watching videos on different traditions and relationships in cultures
    *talent activities to allow the children from different cultures to share personal experiences
    *create a book on the values, traditions, and stories from different cultures
    *recreate art from different cultures. Ex: origami
    Type III activities may include:
    *publishing a book of art, stories, and traditions of a specific culture
    *oral and written presentations on the culture of their choice
    *after researching a culture and the ecosystem around them, they can present the importance of the things that surround the area and how they effect that culture: animals, land forms, crops, and the people

  54. Type 1 activities are introductory, type 2 lessons are more in depth, and type 3 activities are extensive and take place over a long period of time. I listed some type 1 and 2 activities below that I've prepared for SEW.
    Type One:
    1. Read A Splash of Red by Jennifer Fisher Bryant, Read Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson, Read The Dot by Peter Reynolds
    2. Power point on artist and their artwork
    3. Have a local artist come speak/do an activity
    4. Explore the internet for ideas to create art from trash
    5. Slideshow of students artwork
    Type Two:
    1. Think of many, varied, single words to describe the boy Horace from the story A Splash of Red by Jennifer Fisher Bryant.
    2. Think of many, varied, single words to describe art.
    3. Think of many, varied, unusual things you can do with art.
    4. Think of many, varied, unusual things you can do with trash.
    5. Melissa Sweet’s illustrations are as colorful as
    6. Think of many, varied, unusual things art can become
    7. Think of many, varied single words to describe how the teacher’s actions in The Dot by Peter Reynolds made you feel.
    8. Cool colors are as cold as
    9. Warm colors are as hot as
    10. Think of many, varied, single words to describe how art makes you feel.
    Type One:
    1. Read The Painting Ballerina by Gloria M. Buno
    2. Power point on Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera
    3. Have a local artist come speak/do an activity
    4. Explore the internet for ideas to create art from trash
    5. Read a book on African art and culture
    Type Two:
    1. The front cover of The Painting Ballerina by Gloria M. Buno is as colorful as…
    2. Think of many, varied, unusual things you can create with art. (making things into art)
    3. Think of many, varied, unusual things you can make into art. (making art into things)
    4. Give many, varied, single words to describe how art makes you feel.
    5. Vashti felt like an artist after seeing his dot framed. Share a time that you felt like an artist.
    6. Write an acrostic poem using the word A-R-T-I-S-T.
    7. Predict many, varied causes for people to create art.
    8. Predict many, varied effects on our life if there were no art.
    9. Think of many, varied, single words to describe Rivera’s art.
    10. Think of many, varied, single words to describe how you may feel if there were no art in the world.

  55. Type I's are general exploratory and introduction type activities. Some examples would be field trips that highlight various cultural differences, guest speakers, books and videos that highlight various cultures.

    Type II's that are application activities. Various activities could fall under this category.
    Research a certain culture and produce a power point or paper on the culture.
    Create a short video on a culture that interests the student.
    As a unit is taught on art around the world, highlight and create a piece of artwork from each country highlighted.

    Type III's are more in-depth and take a much longer period of time to complete.
    Create a portfolio of artwork that is created while studying art around the world.
    After a study of plants and gardening, compile a plan to create a community garden to help those in the community.
    Create a cookbook of recipes that can be made using vegetables picked from a community garden.

  56. Type I-
    guest speakers from different cultures
    learning centers that reflect their cultures
    trips to museums featuring different cultures (real or
    videos on different cultures

    Type II-
    research different cultures and create a PowerPoint
    interview someone from a different culture and create a
    poem illustrating an aspect of their culture
    forecast the effects of any problems you would encounter
    with your own culture if you moved to a different country

    Type III-
    diversity festival
    Students will research about their own culture and have a
    museum for the school to view. They will dress-up and
    have props.

  57. Type Is
    Exposure to different cultures:
    Sadako and the paper cranes, Bringing in the New Year, Mandela, Salt in his shoes, Henry's Freedom Box, Grandfather Tan's story, Fiona's Lace etc.
    Videos and speakers from different cultures
    interest tables to explore realia from different cultures like China, Japan, Europe etc.

    Type IIs - exposure to the how-tos and the critical thinking techniques in delving deeper into these topics
    Making artifacts and freedom boxes
    Writing a story of perseverance
    Writing a story about what it would be like to immigrate (Fiona's Lace)
    Making origami
    Solving tangrams and making your own tangram
    Making your own tangram story
    Making a tangram stop-motion
    Planning trips somewhere new
    Deciding where to travel

    Type IIIs

    Diversity Festival - what does inclusion look like? How do we reach out to others who are the same and different?

    Food Festival / multicultural festival from groups in our community and around the world

    Researching different places / different peoples and creating brochure / presentation / awareness activity

  58. Type I Enrichment activities are general exploring experiences to get students interested in a particular topic.
    Type II Enrichment activities provide group training, they let students practice the skills and acquire the knowledge they will need to successfully conduct their own activities
    Type III Enrichment activities are individual or small group investigations of real problems based on students interests and skills with the aim to produce a product for real audiences.
    Type I- guest speakers, videos, interest center, virtual tours
    Type II- compare/contrast instruments, create new instruments, think of many, varied, unusual things that may represent a slow tempo
    Type III- create a music hall of fame where students will provide fictitious biographies of their musical careers, create a musical video showcasing student performances, create a wax museum that provides an over view of music through the decades

  59. Demonstrating an understanding and respect for diversity is an educational standard that all instructional leaders are required to master. I believe that the following Type I, Type II, and Type III sample of activities will engage my students and enable me to transform my classroom into a culturally responsive learning environment:
    Type I general exploratory activities will be designed to motivate students to conduct an in-depth study of a special topic of interest. These activities may include interest development centers, artifact displays, video presentations, and library/museum excursions.
    Type II group training activities will be designed to build students’ skills that are necessary to create an original individual or group project. These activities may include developing techniques in observation, independent investigation, library research skills, as well as creative behavior and problem-solving skills. Students may visit school, local, university, and state libraries to research their special topic of interest. They may also participate in brainstorming and group discussions of their special topic of interest. Last but not least, students may conduct a self-evaluation of their creative product.
    Type III individual and small group investigation of real problems activities will be designed to help students become creative producers themselves. These activities may include independent or group presentations on a special topic of interest. Students may independently or collectively design learning centers for classroom use, prepare an original research paper, create a bulletin board display, conduct a science experiment, produce an animated movie, and read poetry aloud or tell stories for a special poetry/story hour.
